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- All timings are for cache case and two-clock reads and writes.
- Effective Address Calculations Execution Timing
- Addressing Mode cea
- Dn 0
- An 0
- (An) 6
- (An)+ 6
- -(An) 6
- (d16,An) 2 !
- xx.W 2
- xx.L) 4
- #data 0
- (d8,An,Xn) 4 !
- (d16,An,Xn) 6 !
- (B) 6
- (d16,B) 8
- (d32,B) 14
- ([B],I) 11
- ([B],I,d16) 11
- ([B],I,d32) 13
- ([d16,B],I) 13
- ([d16,B],I,d16) 13
- ([d16,B],I,d32) 15
- ([d32,B],I) 19
- ([d32,B],I,d16) 19
- ([d32,B],I,d32) 21
- (!) An could be replaced by PC
- B = Base address: 0, An, PC, Xn, An+Xn, PC+Xn
- I = Index: 0, Xn
- Note that Xn cannot be in B and I at the same time. Scaling
- and size of Xn does not affect timing.
- Instruction clocks function
- FABS 35 absolute value
- FACOS 625 arc cosine
- FADD 51 ! add
- FASIN 581 arc sine
- FATAN 403 arc tangent
- FATANH 693 hyperbolic arc tangent
- FCMP 33 ! compare
- FCOS 391 cosine
- FCOSH 607 hyperbolic cosine
- FDIV 103 ! divide
- FETOX 497 e to the x power
- FETOXM1 545 e to the x power minus 1
- FGETEXP 45 get exponent
- FGETMAN 31 get mantissa
- FINT 55 integer part
- FINTRZ 55 integer part, round to zero
- FLOGN 525 logarithm base e
- FLOGNP1 571 logarithm base e of x+1
- FLOG10 581 logarithm base 10
- FLOG2 581 logarithm base 2
- FMOD 67 ! modulo
- FMOVE to FPn 33 move
- FMUL 71 ! multiply
- FNEG 35 negate
- FREM 67 ! remainder
- FSCALE 41 ! scale exponent
- FSGLDIV 69 ! single precision divide
- FSGLMUL 59 ! single precision multiply
- FSIN 391 sine
- FSINCOS 451 simultaneous sine and cosine
- FSINH 687 hyperbolic sine
- FSQRT 107 square root
- FSUB 51 ! subtract
- FTAN 473 tangent
- FTANH 661 hyperbolic tangent
- FTENTOX 567 10 to the x power
- FTST 33 test
- FTWOTOX 567 2 to the x power
- (!): dyadic operation
- Source:
- FPm + 0
- Mem, Integer +27+cea (+2, if !)
- Mem, Single +19+cea (+2, if !)
- Mem, Double +25+cea (+2, if !)
- Mem, Extended +23+cea (+2, if !)
- Mem, Packed BCD +837+cea
- If source is a MC68020 data register, subtract 5 clocks.
- Addressing modes allowed:
- monadic: FSIN.<fmt> EA,FPn
- FSIN.x FPm,FPn
- FSIN.x FPn
- dyadic: FADD.<fmt> EA,FPn
- FADD.x FPm,FPn
- FMOVE to Memory:
- Destination Integer Single Double Extended Packed
- FMOVE 100 80 86 72 1996 (?)
- If destination is a MC68020 data register, subtract 2 clocks.
- FMOVE control register & FMOVEM
- clocks
- FMOVE FPcr,Rn 31
- FMOVE FPcr,EA 33+cea
- FMOVE Rn,FPcr 28
- FMOVE EA,FPcr 33+cea
- FMOVE #data,FPcr 30
- FMOVEM FPcr_list,EA 27+6n+cea
- FMOVEM EA,FPcr_list 27+6n+cea
- FMOVEM #data,FPcr_list 25+6n
- FMOVEM FPdr_list,EA 37+25n+cea (always Extended)
- FMOVEM EA,FPdr_list 35+23n+cea (always Extended)
- FMOVEM Dn,EA 51+25n+cea (Dn contains register list)
- FMOVEM EA,Dn 49+23n+cea (Dn contains register list)
- Conditional instructions execution timing
- FBcc 20/18 (taken/not taken)
- FDBcc 20/24 (expired/not expired)
- FNOP 18
- FScc 18/22/20+cea (Dn/(An)+/Mem)
- FTRAPcc 18/20/22 (-/.W/-L) (+21, if trap)
- FRESTORE 21-314
- FSAVE 16-554
- Constant ROM
- FMOVECR #num,FPm 29 clocks move constant from ROM to register
- number value content
- $00 3.1415926535897931 pi
- $01-$0a invalid undefined
- $0b 3.0102999566398114E- 01 log10(2)
- $0c 2.7182818284590450 e
- $0d 1.4426950408889633 log2(e)
- $0e 4.3429448190325181E- 01 log10(e)
- $0f 0.0000000000000000 0
- $10-2f invalid undefined
- $30 6.9314718055994528E- 01 ln(2)
- $31 2.3025850929940454 ln(10)
- $32 1.0000000000000000 10^0
- $33 1.0000000000000000E 01 10^1
- $34 1.0000000000000000E 02 10^2
- $35 1.0000000000000000E 04 10^4
- $36 1.0000000000000000E 08 10^8
- $37 1.0000000000000000E 16 10^16
- $38 9.9999999999999987E 31 10^32
- $39 9.9999999999999987E 63 10^64
- $3a 9.9999999999999988E 127 10^128
- $3b 9.9999999999999986E 255 10^256
- $3c 9.9999999999999997E 511 10^512
- $3d overflow 10^1024
- $3e overflow 10^2048
- $3f overflow 10^4096
- Packed BCD
- The FMOVE.P command reads or writes a 96-bit Packed Decimal Real.
- The following bits are used:
- bit number content
- 95 sign of mantissa
- 94 sign of exponent
- 93/92 unused
- 91-80 3-digit exponent
- 79-67 zero, unless a binary-to-decimal conversion overflow occurs
- 66- 0 17-digit mantissa
- The numbers can be output from the coprocessor in a format readily
- used for printing by a program. For example:
- FMOVE.P fp3,Buffer{#5}
- converts the floating-point data register content into a packed BCD
- string with five digits to the right of the decimal point.
- Optimisations for the 68882
- The 68882 is somewhat optimised in hardware. There is a independent
- conversion unit implemented to convert binary real formats (Single,
- Double or Extended), when loaded from or stored in memory. The
- FP-register are dual-ported.
- Because of that, the 68882 can do some work in parallel.
- - When the '882 receives an instruction, it can initiate the instruc-
- tion, fetch the necessary operands, and convert them to the internal
- extended format even though the Arithmetic Unit is busy completing
- execution of a previous instruction.
- - For binary real formats exist optimized FMOVE instructions. These
- FMOVE execute twice as fast as the corresponding FMOVE of the '881.
- The FMOVE are also potentially fully concurrent and, therfore, can
- be completely executed during the execution of a previous instruction.
- - The '882 has a more optimized coprocessor interface than the '881.
- If an arithmetic instruction has data formats of Single, Double or
- Extended, the dialogs are designed to increase the potential overlap
- with subsequent instructions. This overlap can significantly decrease
- the effective instruction execution time.
- Warnings:
- The FSAVE-command of the '882 needs 32 bytes more space than the '881.
- If you need FPU-instructions inside an interrupt-handler, you have to
- use a FSAVE before any other FPU-instruction and therefore a FRESTORE
- before the RTE-instruction.
- Suggested optimisations:
- - use Single, Double or Extended formats
- - avoid conflicting registers to start the next command faster
- - use fast FMOVE-command after fast and slow FMOVEs
- after slow calculations
- - for iterations: do two iterations per loop to avoid register-
- conflicts